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    Bored with Bulgari, weary of Waterford, even your galoshes are Gucci? For some, the commoditisation of luxury brands is creating a desire for truly exclusive and exquisitely beautiful things. And where demand leads, supply is sure to follow. One of the more interesting developments of the past few years has been the emergence of designers-cum-makers who produce unique jewellery, silverware, glass, furniture and ceramics to tempt the most jaded of palates.

    Buying luxury brands has never been easier: top-class boutiques, once to be found only on Rodeo Drive, Bond Street or rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, have sprung up in provincial shopping malls everywhere.

    But finding and commissioning a designer-maker is a whole lot trickier. It involves following up tips from friends, making trips to galleries and exhibitions, and trekking out to workshops in the industrial backwaters of the world. And even when you get there, you still have to make the deal—bringing together the craftsman's sensibilities and skills with your vision (and money) to produce something to your taste. It's not as easy as buying off the shelf. So why go to all the trouble?   Join Us and find out!

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